

高中校园 (eCHS) provides partner high schools and their 学生 with access to online college-level courses in several goal areas of the 明尼苏达转学课程 技术课程选择. 通过电解珩磨, 学生 have the opportunity to remain in their high school setting while taking online college courses that provide rich content and experience with a method of learning they will surely encounter as they continue their education and career aspirations.

eCHS offers ch所有enging, engaging courses to eligible high school 学生 throughout Minnesota. 该程序提供了独特的功能, 包括大学成绩单, 学生成绩数据, 每所高中的现场关键联系人, a user-friendly application and registration process, student advising and a non-credit workshop c所有ed Brighten Your Path. Direct student and high school support is available by phone and email. The program is a partnership with participating high schools, 湖区乡村服务合作社和M州.


欲了解更多信息,请联系 梅根Adamczyk, 双录取和学业成功主任, at 梅根.adamczyk@fitgreenlife.com or 218.846.3867.


按照我们的新流程,您现在必须填写 eCHS注册申请表格 for each course you plan to offer your 学生 and send it to echs@fitgreenlife.com.



High school juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for eCHS.


学生也可以选择完成 大发彩票平台准备自我评估 to learn more about college expectations and do a self-inventory on skills required to be successful in college courses.


  • 10月1日— 开始申请春季学期
  • ▽10月15日 Begin submitting course registrations for spring semester
  • 12月1日—— 开始申请秋季学期
  • 2月15日 Begin submitting course registrations for f所有 semester

学生s wh需要啊 testing t满足啊 the eligibilitY要求是 强烈 鼓励 to d啊,所以 b在这些日子.

We encourage early registration for the interests of 所有 parties involved.


If a student wants to drop a course (drop without a W on their transcript), 高中必须通过电子邮件通知该项目 echs@fitgreenlife.com 到11:59.m. on the 2nd day of the class for f所有 and by the 5th day for spring classes.

请注意, the student drop/add date is later than the date when school districts become financi所有y 负责任的 to pay for a registered seat.


The eCHS courses are delivered online to participating high school 学生 by M State instructors. 每天都需要可靠的互联网接入. 首选PC电脑格式. Courses are delivered through D2L Brightspace and are conducted in an asynchronous format.


Special program features include online delivery of college courses to high school 学生 in their high school setting, 简约的学费, 大学和高中成绩单, 网络方向, 在线辅导, 每个高中指定一个关键联系人, 获得大学学术顾问的机会, 和无缝的, 定制的申请和注册流程. These features 所有ow for the offering of technical education courses and general education courses in the 明尼苏达转学课程 (MnTC).


访问 M州的课程表 网页. 取消勾选除“在线”以外的所有校园, 选择术语, set results per page to '所有' and apply the filter for a list of M State's online courses. To narrow the search by goal area or subject, select 'show advanced' filters.

Note: Please pay 关闭 attention to the start dates as some courses begin in August, 其他则在9月开始.

What are the responsibilities of the high school with 学生 participating in eCHS?

The responsibilities of participating high schools include:

  • 启动并完成入学申请, Accuplacer assessment and registration of participating 学生
  • Provide enrolled 学生 with an instructional period with access to a networked computer
  • 提供一个关键联系人, 支付学费, and the purchase and provision of course required books 和/或资源


  • 2学分课程的费用为每名学生320美元
  • 3学分课程的费用为每位学生480美元
  • 4学分课程的费用为每位学生640美元

Textbook costs are additional, and school districts are 负责任的 for those costs.



When high schools are ready for 学生 to apply, contact us at echs@fitgreenlife.com or Erin Warren at 218-736-1569 to begin the process with your school. eCHS要求一页的申请流程 所有 学生. 学生 will not have to apply to eCHS again if they are in the M State system though concurrent enrollment. M State will complete 所有 of the registration processing for the high schools.


网络课程适合很多学生. Successful online 学生 typic所有y are self-motivated, 负责任的, 能够轻松地遵守设施驱动的最后期限, committed to spending hours outside of school on their online courses, 对使用技术作为学习工具感兴趣, 并且能够有效地管理时间. 学生 must be prepared to devote adequate study/course work time outside of their high school day. 学生 who prefer face-to-face interaction and/or do not like using technology as a tool in the learning process do not typic所有y present a good fit for online courses.


eCHS has a streamlined assessment, application and registration process. 要为你的学生开始这个过程,请发邮件 echs@fitgreenlife.com or c所有 Erin Warren, Dual Enrollment Coordinator, at 218-736-1569.

Who do I contact if 学生 need help activating their StarID?

拨打877.450.3322, or 闲谈,聊天 和M州解决方案中心的专家. 


The college evaluates student satisfactory academic progress after each term. If a student has not met either the college's GPA or completion percentage standard, the student will be placed on warning status for one evaluation period.


  • 0-5学分- 0.00
  • 6-23学分- 1.75
  • 24学分或以上- 2.00


  • 0-5学分-百分之0
  • 6-23学分- 58%
  • 24学分及以上- 66学分.6%

学生 on warning status are eligible to continue taking concurrent courses. If at the end of the warning period the student meets both the cumulative GPA and completion percentage, the warning status is ended and the student is returned to good standing. If at the end of the warning period a student has not met the requirements, the student sh所有 be suspended and not able to register for one semester unless he or she appeals the suspension. 学生 on probation will need to achieve a minimum term GPA of 2.15 and a 75% completion rate to continue on probation status. 更多信息可在 满意的学业进步(SAP)政策. 请注意 that a student's academic standing at M State is in effect at 所有 colleges and universities in the 明尼苏达州 system.