员工发展 奖学金

2024-25 员工发展 Scholarship information: 即将到来的. 

2023-24 员工发展 Scholarship information: 

New entering students enrolled in more than 40 M State programs are eligible to receive 员工发展 奖学金 for the academic year 2023-24. 60个奖学金, funded by the Minnesota Legislature, 提供2美元的免费援助,500 per academic year ($1,250 per semester) up to a maximum of $5,000 over four semesters for students enrolled in programs in these areas:

  • 先进制造
  • 农业
  • 施工管理
  • 儿童早期 Education
  • 医疗保健
  • 信息技术
  • 公共安全
  • 运输

Sixty scholarships totaling $265,000 will be awarded to M State students. Recipients will be announced beginning in August 2023.


To be considered for the 2023-24 员工发展 Scholarship, you need only to:

  • 申请M州 for an eligible program of study
  • 完成你的 FAFSA, and respond promptly to any emails sent by M State's financial aid team so your aid file is complete and "ready for awarding"


  • Enroll in an eligible program
  • 成为明尼苏达州居民
  • 完成 FAFSA
  • Enroll in a minimum of 9 credits per semester
  • 保持累积2.0的绩点


On August 1, 员工发展  Scholarship recipients will be selected based on the following:

  • Date of application to the college (for an eligible program of study)
  • Date FAFSA was submitted

Preference also will be given to students whose federal and state grant awards will not fully cover the cost of tuition and fees. Scholarship funds are applied to student accounts after the drop/add period ends at the start of each semester.

Programs eligible for Workforce 奖学金


申请M州          申请经济资助          探索节目


Here's what our recipients say

"This scholarship means a lot to me and my family. It reduced the financial burden of furthering my education and career, 可以消除压力, making it easier to concentrate on my schoolwork."

Civil 工程 Technology, 底特律的湖泊 campus

"The 员工发展 Scholarship is helping me stick with my decision to go into healthcare because, when COVID hit and I couldn't finish my senior year of high school in person, I was worried that college would be even more difficult to pay for and deal with since COVID hasn't gotten under control. With the help of the scholarship, it will be easier for me to concentrate on my actual classes instead of worrying that I don't have enough money to take all the classes needed for my degree."

护理, 费格斯瀑布 campus

"I am honored to have this scholarship. This scholarship made it so I can relax more and not have to worry as much about my college financials."

Drafting and 3D Technologies, 学习 campus

"This scholarship means a lot to me. It will be very nice to have extra funds to support my college academics. It is cool to see M State helping their students financially; not all colleges have that capability."

电气技术, 学习 campus

“对我来说, receiving the 员工发展 Scholarship means more time to relax with my family after attending classes instead of having to work all the time since the scholarship eases the financial burden of going back to school."

Electrical Lineworker Technology, Wadena campus

Additional scholarship opportunities

明尼苏达州 Community and Technical College benefits from partnerships with two foundations. Fergus Area College Foundation supports the students and programs at M State's 费格斯瀑布 campus, and M State Foundation and Alumni supports the college and alumni engagement on the 底特律的湖泊, 学习 and Wadena campuses. Visit their websites for information on additional scholarship opportunities from both foundations.
