BUS2204 - Principles of Management

3 (3/0/0)
This course examines the historical and philosophical foundations of management as well as current theory and practices. Managerial decisions as a planner, 组织者, 动力, controller and leader of a diverse workforce in a competitive environment are identified and evaluated. The course is a study of the basic principles of business management, including the functional, 科学, behavioral and systems approaches along with the role of projects in contemporary organizations. Current literature, 概念, models and applications may be included as well as the use of case studies.
  1. Understand the four functions of management (planning, 组织, leading and controlling) and the types of executive management activities associated with each.
  2. 应用 current management theories and practices.
  3. Understand the structure and design of organizations and how managers effectively perform in this type of setting in order to accomplish goals.
  4. Understand the types and utility of systems and analyze how they are used to monitor and support achievement of strategic and tactical plans made by management.
  5. 应用 the principles and practices of decision-making skills in real-world managerial environments related to individuals and to project-based activities.
  6. Understand the major ethical approaches, apply them to business situations and analyze their impact on management behavior.
  7. Analyze the personal traits and skills of effective leaders and how these affect conflict management and conflict resolution.
  8. Understand and analyze the nature and role of organizational culture.
  9. Understand how managers lead the process of organizational change.
  10. Understand motivation in the workplace and identify 概念 to influence motivation through effective communication strategies.
  11. Identify the role and responsibilities of the project manager and project team.
  12. Analyze the impact of changing demographics, increasing diversity and globalization on the management process.
  13. Explore tools to help control during project initiation, planning, scheduling and execution.
  14. Discuss tracking and monitoring processes through the project life cycle.
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