Year-long 登记 Model

Vice President of Academic Affairs




Financial Sustainability

Develop a student focused year-long registration model (including summer) to allow for longer term educational planning to support student retention and degree completion.

  • Gather input from stakeholders by conducting listening sessions and surveys.
  • Develop and implement a year-long schedule.
  • Assess effectiveness of scheduling changes so the college can be agile in meeting changing student needs and continuously improve.


Course scheduling, faculty assignments, registration timeline.

Effectiveness Measures

Increase student retention fall to spring.

Key Performance Indicators/Metrics

Student retention, degree completion, course fill rates.

Metric Collection and Review Schedule

In partnership with student affairs, data will be pulled to show how many students completed a year-long schedule. This should be collected after the first week of classes. Advisors will also be asked to qualitatively share what they are hearing from students regarding the schedule.


Written summary, assessment and refinements for next year. This will need to be completed prior to developing the AY2024-25 schedule in October 2023.


Faculty credit limits.


Improving student retention would have a positive financial impact on the college.

Survey and Listening Session Results
  • 72% of students indicated if the same course was offered online and on-campus, they would register for the on-campus option (n=51).
  • The majority of students prefer to take classes two days (29%), 三天(29%), or four days (30%) a week (n=92).
  • Only 10% of students prefer evening classes (after 3:30pm).

Data collected after the first week of classes showing how many students completed a year-long schedule.

  • 8月. 28, 2023 - 997 students registered for spring semester.
Data-Driven Decisions
  • Scheduling blocks were adjusted to allow for more timeslots to vary course offerings.
  • There will not be a dedicated open hour because it limits the time slots for courses.
  • Common start times with minimal variation will be used for scheduling college-wide. If a department wants to deviate from the standard timeslots, they must write a petition to the dean with sound logic to support their request.
  • A full Monday - Friday schedule will be employed.
  • The deans will draft the schedules before sending it out to faculty for comments to ensure campus, 学校, program and transfer needs are met first.
  • 1月. 26, 2023 - The Vice President of Academic Affairs communicated year-long scheduling improvement decisions made as a result of triangulated survey and listening session data and shared the implementation timeline with faculty Shared Governance Council.
  • 2月. 13, 2023 - Deans distributed the fall 2023, spring 2024 and summer 2024 draft schedule to faculty.
  • 2月. 24, 2023 - Department schedules for all three terms were due to the dean's office for final approval.
  • March 6, 2023 - Schedule went live for viewing at www.明尼苏达州.edu/academics/class-schedules.
  • March 27, 2023 - 登记 opened to students for the entire 2023-2024 academic year.


  • FY24 - 748 students registered on the same day for both spring and fall semesters prior to the start of fall semester. Fall 2023 there are 2,882 degree seeking students which are both new and continuing students with the college. Note: we are uncertain the number of students that will be completing this semester, so unable to give an exact percentage of students that are utilizing this initiative.